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Problem Sheet: Week 7

School of Physics, University of Bristol

Probability Density & Normalisation

  1. Consider the following wavefunction,

    Ψ(x,t0)={154(1x2)if x1,0otherwise. \Psi(x,t_0) = \begin{cases} \frac{\sqrt{15}}{4}(1-x^2)& \text{if } |x| \leq 1, \\ 0 &\text{otherwise. } \end{cases}
    1. Show that this is a normalised wavefunction.
    2. Sketch the wavefunction Ψ(x,t0)\Psi(x,t_0) and the probability density P(x,t0)P(x,t_0).
    3. What is the probability amplitude at x=12x = \frac{1}{2}.
    4. Where is the probability density to find the particle largest? What is the probability density there?
  2. Consider the following wavefunction,

    Ψ(x,t0)={A(1+x2)if 2x0,A(1x2)if 0x2,0otherwise, \Psi(x,t_0) = \begin{cases} A\left(1+\frac{x}{2}\right)& \text{if } -2 \leq x \leq 0, \\ A\left(1-\frac{x}{2}\right)& \text{if } 0 \leq x \leq 2, \\ 0 &\text{otherwise, } \end{cases}

    where AA is a real constant.

    1. Normalise the wavefunction. That is, find the value of AA such that the wavefunction is normalised.
    2. Sketch the wavefunction Ψ(x,t0)\Psi(x,t_0), and the probability density P(x,t0)P(x,t_0).
    3. What is the probability to find the particle between x=1x = 1 and x=2x = 2.
  3. Consider the following wavefunction,

    Ψ(x,t0)={1ae2πxi/aif 0xa,0otherwise. \Psi(x,t_0) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{\sqrt{a}}e^{2\pi x i /a} & \text{if } 0 \leq x \leq a, \\ 0 &\text{otherwise. } \end{cases}
    1. Sketch the wavefunction Ψ(x,t0)\Psi(x,t_0), taking care to plot both the real and imaginary parts.
    2. Show that this is a normalised wavefunction.
    3. Sketch the probability density P(x,t0)P(x,t_0).
    4. What is the expectation value of the position of the particle?

    Recall from Mathematical Physics 202 that for a probability density P(x,t0)P(x,t_0), the expectation (or expected) value is defined by

    x=xP(x,t0)dx, \langle x \rangle = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} x P(x,t_0) dx,

    which is the average, or mean, position where the particle will be found.

Probability current

  1. Consider the wavefunction

    Ψ(x,t0)=1π1/4ex2/2eik0x, \Psi(x,t_0) = \frac{1}{\pi^{1/4}} e^{-x^2/2}e^{ik_0 x},

    where k0k_0 is an arbitrary real constant.

    1. Find the probability current j(x,t0)j(x,t_0) associated to this wavefunction.
    2. In most contexts where the continuity equation holds, the current can be viewed as being a density times a velocity (for example in fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, etc).

      We can take this view here and write j(x,t0)=u(x,t0)P(x,t0)j(x,t_0) = u(x,t_0) P(x,t_0), where u(x,t0)u(x,t_0) is a probability velocity. What is the probability velocity for the above wavefunction?
  2. Assume that we have a wavefunction Ψ(x,t0)\Psi(x,t_0) with associated probability current j(x,t0)j(x,t_0). Consider now a second wavefunction Ψ(x,t0)\Psi'(x,t_0), related to Ψ(x,t0)\Psi(x,t_0) via

    Ψ(x,t0)=Ψ(x,t0)eik0x, \Psi'(x,t_0) = \Psi(x,t_0)e^{ik_0 x},

    where k0k_0 is an arbitrary real constant.

    1. Find the probability density P(x,t0)P'(x,t_0) associated to Ψ(x,t0)\Psi'(x,t_0). How does it relate to the probability density P(x,t0)P(x,t_0) associated to Ψ(x,t0)\Psi(x,t_0)?
    2. Show that the probability current j(x,t0)j'(x,t_0) associated to Ψ(x,t0)\Psi'(x,t_0) is
      j(x,t0)=j(x,t0)+k0MP(x,t0) j'(x,t_0) = j(x,t_0) + \frac{\hbar k_0}{M} P(x,t_0)
      where P(x,t0)=Ψ(x,t0)2P(x,t_0) = |\Psi(x,t_0)|^2.
    3. By considering how the probability velocity of Ψ(x,t0)\Psi(x,t_0) and Ψ(x,t0)\Psi'(x,t_0) are related, explain what changes about a particle when we multiply its wavefunction by eik0xe^{ik_0x}.

Factorising functions

  1. Which of the following functions f(x,y)f(x,y) factorise into f(x,y)=g(x)h(y)f(x,y) = g(x)h(y)?
    1. f(x,y)=xy2f(x,y) = xy^2
    2. f(x,y)=x2+2yf(x,y) = x^2 + 2y
    3. f(x,y)=xy2+1f(x,y) = xy^2 + 1
    4. f(x,y)=ex+yf(x,y) = e^{x+y}
    5. f(x,y)=x2cos(y)+2xeiy+2xeiyf(x,y) = x^2\cos(y) + 2xe^{iy} + 2xe^{-iy}
    6. f(x,y)=log(xy)f(x,y) = \log(xy)