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Problem Sheet: Week 12

School of Physics, University of Bristol


  1. In this problem we will find the energy eigenstates of the potential step that correspond to left-moving particles. The potential energy of the particle is given by

    V(x)={0if x<0,V0if x0.V(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } x < 0, \\ V_0 & \text{if } x \geq 0. \end{cases}

    We will call the region to the left of the step, such that x<0x < 0, Region I, and the region to the right, such that x0x \geq 0, Region II.

    1. Solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation separately in Regions I and II, to show that the general solution in each region is, respectively,

      uI(x)=Aeikx+Beikx,uII(x)=Ceikx+Deikx,\begin{align*} u_\rI(x) &= A e^{ikx} + Be^{-ikx}, & u_\rII(x) &= C e^{ik'x} + De^{-ik'x}, \end{align*}

      where AA, BB, CC and DD are constants, and give appropriate expressions for kk and kk'.

    2. By considering what it means to be a left-moving particle, show that we must set A=0A = 0.

    3. Use the continuity conditions for the wavefunction and its first spatial derivative at x=0x = 0 in order to solve for BB and CC in terms of DD.

    4. Sketch the real and imaginary parts of the wavefunction, assuming that DD is real and positive.

    5. Write down an appropriate definition for the reflection coefficient RR for a left-moving particle. Show that the reflection coefficient is given by

      R=(kk)2(k+k)2.R = \frac{(k'-k)^2}{(k'+k)^2}.

      How does this compare to the expression obtained in the lecture notes for a right-moving particle?

  2. In this problem we will consider the same potential step from Problem 12.1, and study what happens when the particle has energy EE which is less than the height of the potential step, E<V0E < V_0.

    1. You have already solved the time-independent Schrödinger equation in Region I. Show that the general solution in Region II is now given by

      uII(x)=Ceζx+Deζx,u_\rII(x) = Ce^{\zeta x} + De^{-\zeta x},

      and given an appropriate expression for ζ.

    2. By considering the behaviour of the wavefunction at x=x = \infty, argue that we have to set C=0C = 0 for physically permissible solutions.

    3. Use the continuity conditions for the wavefunction and its first spatial derivative at x=0x = 0 in order to show that

      B=ik+ζikζA,D=2ikikζA,\begin{align*} B &= \frac{ik + \zeta}{ik - \zeta}A,& D &= \frac{2ik}{ik-\zeta}A, \end{align*}
    4. Sketch the real and imaginary parts of the wavefunction, assuming that AA is real and positive.

    5. Write down an appropriate definition for the reflection coefficient RR. Show that the reflection coefficient is given by

      R=1.R = 1.

      Does this make sense physically?

  3. In this question we will find the energy eigenstates for the finite potential well that correspond to a right-moving particle. The potential energy of the particle is

    V(x)={0if 0xa,V0if x<0 or x>a.V(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } 0 \leq x \leq a, \\ V_0 & \text{if } x < 0 \text{ or } x > a. \end{cases}

    We are interested in solving the time-independent Schrödinger equation when E>V0E > V_0. We will call the region to the left of the well, such that x<0x < 0, Region I, the region inside the well, such that 0xa0 \leq x \leq a, Region II, and the region to the right of the well, such that xax \geq a, Region III.

    1. Solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation separately in the three regions, to show that the solution in each region is, respectively

      uI(x)=Aeikx+Beikx,uII(x)=Ceikx+Deikx,uIII(x)=Feikx+Geikx,\begin{align*} u_\rI(x) &= A e^{ik'x} + Be^{-ik'x}, \\ u_\rII(x) &= C e^{ikx} + De^{-ikx},\\ u_\rIII(x) &= F e^{ik'x} + Ge^{-ik'x}, \end{align*}

      where AA, BB, CC, DD, FF and GG are constants, and give appropriate expressions for kk and kk'.

    2. By considering what it means to be a right-moving particle, show that we must set G=0G = 0.

    3. Use the continuity conditions for the wavefunction and its first spatial derivative at x=ax = a in order to show that CC and DD, in terms of FF, are given by

      C=k+k2kei(kk)aF,D=kk2kei(k+k)aF.\begin{align*} C &= \frac{k+k'}{2k}e^{-i(k-k')a}F,& D &= \frac{k-k'}{2k}e^{i(k+k')a}F. \end{align*}
    4. Use the continuity conditions for the wavefunction and its first spatial derivative at x=0x = 0 in order to show that AA and BB, in terms of CC and DD, are given by

      A=12k((k+k)C(kk)D),B=12k((kk)C+(k+k)D).\begin{align*} A &= \frac{1}{2k'}\left((k+k')C - (k-k')D\right),\\ B &= \frac{1}{2k'}\left(-(k-k')C + (k+k')D\right). \end{align*}
    5. Using the expressions for AA, CC, and DD from parts (3) and (4), show that

      F=4kkeika(k+k)2eika(kk)2eikaA.F = \frac{4kk'e^{-ik'a}}{(k+k')^2 e^{-ika} - (k-k')^2e^{ika}}A.
    6. Using the expression for CC, DD and FF from parts (3) and (5), show that

      C=2k(k+k)eika(k+k)2eika(kk)2eikaA,D=2k(kk)eika(k+k)2eika(kk)2eikaA.\begin{align*} C &= \frac{2k'(k+k')e^{-ika}}{(k+k')^2 e^{-ika} - (k-k')^2e^{ika}}A,\\ D &= \frac{2k'(k-k')e^{ika}}{(k+k')^2 e^{-ika} - (k-k')^2e^{ika}}A. \end{align*}
    7. Using the expressions for BB, CC and DD from (4) and (6), show that

      B=2i(k2k2)sinka(k+k)2eika(kk)2eikaA.B = \frac{2i(k^2-k'^2)\sin ka}{(k+k')^2 e^{-ika} - (k-k')^2e^{ika}}A.
    8. Finally, show that the reflection coefficient is given by

      R=B2A2=(k2k2)2sin2ka4k2k2+(k2k2)2sin2ka.R = \frac{|B|^2}{|A|^2} = \frac{(k^2-k'^2)^2 \sin^2 ka}{4k^2 k'^2 + (k^2-k'^2)^2 \sin^2 ka}.